A Stake President in Chimbote invited us to dinner one night and this is one of the dishes his wife made for us. It is yummy!
2 carrots (or more), peeled and sliced in rounds
1 onion sliced in rings
3 bell peppers, 1 each red, green, yellow in slices or any combination
4 aji peppers, cleaned and without seeds, cut into rounds or sliced
Layer all in a 9x13" glass pan
In a small pan or in a bowl for the microwave add:
1 cup vegetable or olive oil (she uses veg. oil. This seems like a lot to me)
1 cup white vinegar
1/2 to 1 cup of white sugar-to your liking
Heat without boiling to melt sugar, then add about 2 T, more or less of corn starch
to make it the consistency you like, about like Karo syrup. Warm through and pour over the vegetables. Cover and refrigerate for an hour or two. Can serve warm (heat it in the microwave) or cold.