Monday, June 14, 2010

LaMadeleine's Tomato Basil Soup

LaMadeleine's is a great bistro chain in Texas. The recipe was printed in the newspaper a few years ago.

4 cups (8-10) tomatoes, cored, opeeled, and cut into 8-12 chunks
OR 4 cups canned whole tomatoes, crushed
4 cups tomato juice or part vegetable or chicken broth
12-14 washed fresh basil leaves
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 pound butter
Salt and pepper to taste

Combine tomatoes, juice or stock in saucepan. Simmer 20 minutes. In blender or food processor, puree mixture with basil leaves added in small batches. Return to saucepan. Over low heat, stir in cream and butter. Add salt and pepper. Garnish with basil leaves and serve with your favorite bread. As is: 248 calories a cup - 83% from fat!

For a luncheon, I usually make it just like the recipe, however, here is how I usually make it for me:

I use half fresh, half canned tomatoes and I don't peel or seed them and I use whatever whole, diced, etc. canned tomatoes I have. It is all going to be blended up anyway. I like more basil than it calls for and it is so inexpensive here - .5 sole for a big bunch! just be sure you wash it well as it sometimes has a little soil on the leaves. If I have cream, I add 1/3 of a cup and finish it off with milk. If not, I just use milk and I add about 1/3 of the butter it calls for. It isn't quite as rich but is less calorie laden and it still tastes wonderful!
At Zupa's in Utah, they ask you if you want orzo added, which is a rice shaped pasta. Feel free to cook some up and add it in. It is great, too!

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